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Night call film complet


"I'm at Cornell, Cornell is in the HathiTrust, which means any book that HathiTrust has a digital copy of, that is in the Cornell library system, I can now check out digitally, since the Cornell libraries are closed," the professor explained. Grimmelman provided some more relevant examples, such as the HathiTrust Digital Library's new practice of "lending" digitized books to individuals who would normally have physical access to the libraries from which those books originated. Indeed, normal rules and laws everywhere are being relaxed or ignored in Los Angeles, for example, parking enforcement is temporarily on hold, while restaurants are being allowed to sell takeout cocktails. "The bigger issue is that there are very serious questions about this being an exceptional time, and people both being much more dependent upon media to keep them entertained and mentally healthy, and people not having the money that they would have had at previous times," Grimmelman said. Grimmelman noted, however, that nothing about the current situation is normal, a fact that might affect how laws are interpreted and enforced.


The case gets worse as you get to larger and longer media like watching an entire movie the case gets worse as you raise the quality of the streaming, so as you switch to streaming it through the software itself rather than just picking it up with the microphone the case gets worse as you include more people and as people are less related to each other-as you get beyond the immediate nuclear family into a larger group of friends." "We'll start with the simplest case: If you've got two people on the call, and one of them plays music for the other, that's a pretty good argument there for fair use. He said the fair use defense for most people doing this is "pretty good," though it depends largely on the circumstances. And I think that the best case for streaming comes in that last category, where somebody who legally has access to it is sharing it with a small group so they can watch together." "There is-let's call it the 'small uses,' the quotations and quotes and clips there is 'satire, parody, transformation ' and there is one thing I think of as 'reasonable, normal consumer uses,' which can include all media, provided it's very personal and appropriately limited to things you already had some kind of access to. "Fair use comes in a couple of flavors," the professor said. However, Grimmelman explored some possible defenses, the most effective of which he thinks is simple fair use doctrine. The courts shut that argument down, ruling that Aereo was engaged in public performance, which means Zoom and Discord users streaming movies today (not to mention the companies themselves) might find themselves similarly subject to the Copyright Act. Aereo argued that it wasn't engaged in "public performance" of broadcast material, in part because it used separate antennae to stream to individual users at those users' direction, as opposed to one large stream that multiple users tapped into.

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The professor brought up the 2014 saga of Aereo, a company that was effectively capturing cable TV broadcasts and transmitting them to its own subscribers online. However, the drafters of the "Transmit Clause" added to US copyright law in a massive 1976 revision failed to consider "the possibility of what you might call 'private transmitted performances,'" which is how streaming movies to small groups of friends might reasonably be categorized, according to Grimmelmann.

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In a "narrow analysis" of copyright law, Grimmelmann said, any "transmission" of copyrighted material is designated a "public performance," and is subject to specific laws. We weren't expecting a simple answer, and unsurprisingly, he said, in short, "it's complicated." To find out, we contacted James Grimmelmann, a professor of law at Cornell Tech and Cornell Law School who specializes in internet and intellectual property law.

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