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Html5 audio ipad

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Today, the HTML5 specification editor is Ian Hickson, who is also one of the original and most active members of WHATWG. Additionally, they were displeased that the W3C had decided to stop developing HTML in favor of an XML-compliant alternative known as XHTML, since, though this approach had some academic allure, it ignored the realities of how people actually used the web. The WHATWG developed in counterpoint to the W3C, as many of the members of the WHATWG felt that the W3C was not doing enough to rapidly introduce new web technologies. It can be joined by anyone, though its principal support comes from Apple, Mozilla, and Opera, maker of the alternative browser of the same name. The WHATWG developed organically in 2004 as an alliance of people interested in rapidly advancing the state of web technology. HTML5 is largely a creation of the WHATWG, which is an acronym for the longer and less common name Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. 4.4.1 Controversy over codec used for the element.Indeed, in the words of Ian Hickson, one of the designers of the language, "One of our goals is to move the Web away from proprietary technologies." Such a step would lay the groundwork for the web's increasing dominance over the next decade.

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HTML5 offers the opportunity to continue to support advanced interface demands, but to do so in an open, community-approved way. While such innovations enable a richer user experience, they also fragment development, and make cross-browser compliance challenging for developers. Internet Explorer has a notable reputation for employing non-standard extensions to web technologies. Some of the most important include Adobe's Flash plugin, as well Microsoft's Silverlight and their browser Internet Explorer. As the web has evolved, many vendors have created proprietary technologies to enable greater functionality for their applications. HTML5 also is a milestone politically and socially in the web world. Other new capabilities include a multipurpose graphical element called canvas, as well as native embedding of video and audio. This reduces the server load, and also provides a faster, more responsive experience for the user, as less data needs to be transferred over the network. For example, if a user is editing a document in an online web editor, HTML5 allows some portion of the state associated with the document to be saved onto the user's computer - rather than saving all of it to the server, as is currently done.

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One important new capability is offline storage, which allows sites to better handle persistent sessions for their users. HTML5 represents an important step forward technologically, as it gives web developers greater capabilities and more flexibility in interacting with the underlying operating system.

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This unofficial status will likely persist for some years still, with the W3C currently expecting HTML5 to become a recommended technology in 2012 and a full standard not before 2022. As of July 2010, HTML5 is still not widely supported nor standardized, though browsers such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox have implemented various parts of the language. It is used by web programmers and designers - typically in conjunction with JavaScript and CSS - to lay out web pages, which people can then view in web browsers. HTML5 is the next generation hypertext markup language standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Html5 audio ipad